#OurFoodHasAStory Post 8 Donna Stone: Why I Love Gardens

Donna Stone is our guest author for day 8 of Agriculture Month in Saskatchewan. Donna and her family grain farm near Davidson. I love her story of the garden and the peace it brings her. I completely understand…. every part except the weeds! Ha! 

Stay tuned later in the month to hear from her husband Rob and his food story. 


Hauling weeds

From as far back as I can remember, I have loved gardening. The smell of the freshly tilled soil, watching those tine seeds grow into beautiful plants and reaping the delicious rewards the garden produces. I even find pulling weeds relaxing and therapeutic. I love it all!

Canning Tomatoes

​I have learned a lot through gardening. Family stories and history were shared while I shelled peas with grandma or picked raspberries with grandpa. Plenty of “life lesson lectures” happened while my brother and I pulled weeds with mom. Through watching and helping, I also learned how to preserve and store the wonderful fruits and vegetables our gardens provided.  

Hauling potatoes farm kid style

​I have tried to pass my love of gardening on to my kids, and I think it’s working. They love helping from planting to harvest. Like I did, they are also making fond memories of gardening with their parents and grandparents. They’re learning that the best tasting food is the food you grow yourself and I hope someday the traditions and knowledge are passed on to their kids.

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